Friday, May 31, 2019
Artificial Insemination :: Pregnancy Reproduction Essays
faux Insemination there are different types of responsibility involved in humankind reproduction. With modern biomedical technology the motion of who is responsible? comes up a lot more. Artificial insemination is one of newer forms of technology that involves that question, which includes incorrupt, and social responsibility. In Artificial Insemination Munson raises the question not only of whos responsible but also what responsibilities and rights the sperm donor has and where forefather comes into place in that situation. He argues that the responsibilities of the donor are sever from the nestling produced but has the responsibility of quality, soakeding informing the bank of any diseases and family history. Mainly the subject area Munson seems to focus on is the responsibility the sperm donor has to the pip-squeak. He believes that The donors actions consist only in donating (selling) his sperm some responsibility constipate to such action s, but the responsibility of being a moral father is not among them. The moral father of a child does not necessarily mean the biological father, but the man that is involved in preparedness or actions, such as intercourse, towards the pregnancy. Munson then supports his arguments well with the example of two court issues. The case of People vs. Sorenson shows that Mr. Sorensen, even after divorcing his wife, was still responsible for the child even if he wasnt the biological father. He was involved with the planning and consented to his wife acquiring pregnant using artificial insemination, therefore was held liable for child support. Munson then explained that the sperm donor was explicitly held to be no different from a neckcloth donor. The other case single-valued functiond was the case of CM vs. CC. In that case CM, the supplier of the sperm was also implicated in the planning of the pregnancy. crimson though CC and CM were dating exclusively during or so of the p regnancy, when they separated CC refused to allow CM visit the child. The court found the manner in which CC was impregnated irrelevant and granted him visitation rights and parental obligations. The use of this case shows that even though artificial insemination was used, the man involved in the planning, who also happened to be the donor, is the moral father.Artificial Insemination Pregnancy Reproduction EssaysArtificial Insemination There are different types of responsibility involved in human reproduction. With modern biomedical technology the question of who is responsible? comes up a lot more. Artificial insemination is one of newer forms of technology that involves that question, which includes moral, and social responsibility. In Artificial Insemination Munson raises the question not only of whos responsible but also what responsibilities and rights the sperm donor has and where fatherhood comes into place in that situation. He argues that the responsibil ities of the donor are severed from the child produced but has the responsibility of quality, meaning informing the bank of any diseases and family history. Mainly the topic Munson seems to focus on is the responsibility the sperm donor has to the child. He believes that The donors actions consist only in donating (selling) his sperm some responsibility attach to such actions, but the responsibility of being a moral father is not among them. The moral father of a child does not necessarily mean the biological father, but the man that is involved in planning or actions, such as intercourse, towards the pregnancy. Munson then supports his arguments well with the example of two court cases. The case of People vs. Sorenson shows that Mr. Sorensen, even after divorcing his wife, was still responsible for the child even if he wasnt the biological father. He was involved with the planning and consented to his wife getting pregnant using artificial insemination, therefore was held liable for child support. Munson then explained that the sperm donor was explicitly held to be no different from a blood donor. The other case used was the case of CM vs. CC. In that case CM, the supplier of the sperm was also implicated in the planning of the pregnancy. Even though CC and CM were dating exclusively during most of the pregnancy, when they separated CC refused to allow CM visit the child. The court found the manner in which CC was impregnated irrelevant and granted him visitation rights and parental obligations. The use of this case shows that even though artificial insemination was used, the man involved in the planning, who also happened to be the donor, is the moral father.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Nationalism from a Marxian Perspective :: Politics
Nationalism from a Marxian Perspective The mobilization of the masses to both patronage and participate in a wide variety of cultural and political endeavors is often achieved through nationalism. It can be used to get a auberge to push for a return to traditional ways and old-time religion, to press on for national liberation and self-determination, to support or fight vast acts of imperialism and genocide, as an excuse to severely obstruct rights and liberties for citizens, and ultimately be used as a great tool in a quest for all surface war and unspoiled throttled vengeance in any case in which a country is attacked. For decades, the Nationalist tendency of America has not been as wakeful or strong as it has been during the current aftermath of the attacks in New York City. The response across America has been widespread and clear people, by and large, and in full support of the state and whatever path it wishes to choose, with a majority of the population even supporting secret military trials and a strict curtailing of civil liberties in America. Nationalism is running rampant in America, much of which goes far beyond mere patriotism and concern for the state of ones nation and instead into astonishingly high levels of First World chauvinism. But what does this mean on a large level? How is nationalism used on a larger scale? Is it most always used to have the mass blindly follow the interest of elites? Or is nationalism more complex? To answer these questions, in this paper I will address nationalism on multiple levels and from a Marxian perspective. Nationalism will be dealt with at a structural level, with an interrogation of how it utilized in both the First World and the Third World. Many basic descriptions of what nationalism is exist, and defining precisely what nationalism means is not an comfortable task. This is in large part because the causes and effects of nationalism greatly varies from social context to social context, a s the concrete social reality determines the specific figure and character that the nationalism idea takes when it comes to hold a large part of the consciousness of a society (I say the nationalism idea for I tone of voice that nationalism is, primarily, in the realm of the ideological). Put more succinctly Nationalism can be, and has been, democratic and authoritarian, forward-looking or backward-looking, socialist or reactionary (Kamenka 1976 3).
The Marxist Formula in Emechetas The Joys of Motherhood Essay
The Marxist Formula in Emechetas The Joys of Motherhood Marx states that we are truly free only when people place themselves in a position to see their own historical destiny(Slaughter 25).Britains imperial colonization of Africa triggered vast change within the tribal civilizations thriving on the continent prior to European occupation. For the Africans, these changes altered all(prenominal) level of their culture language, religion, as well as ancient tribal customs. But one of the most devastating aspects of the British colonization in Africa was the European economic system capitalism. Capitalism left many Africans reeling from its destructive impact on tribal economies. Nowhere is this more evident than in The Joys of Motherhood, Buchi Emechetas tale of the British occupation of Nigeria in the 1930s and 1940s. Emechetas skillfully constructed story uses various literary devices to develop empathy for her characters suffering at the hands of the English. However, underlyi ng these literary techniques -- and boosting the storys political objectives -- exists a Marxist economic analysis of the colonial system. Emechetas Marxist examination provides an outline for illustrating how imperialistic capitalism alienated Africans from their culture, and from one another, causing irreparable damage to the social fabric of Nigeria. The Marxist argument in The Joys of Motherhood demonstrates how the root of the characters downfall is the socioeconomic shift from the tribal economic paradigm to the exploitative, capitalistic system used by the British.However, Emecheta also criticizes her tribal cultures oppressive hierarchy, illustrating the Ibo treatment of slaves and of women. So although European colonialism... ...Marx and the Sources of Critical Theory. New Jersey Rowman and Littlefield, 1981.Jameson, Fredric. Marxism and Form Twentieth-Century Dialectical Theories of Literature. second ed. Princeton Princeton UP, 1974.Magubane, Bernard, and Nzongol a-Ntalaja, eds. Proletarianization and Class Struggle in Africa. Contemporary Marxism Series. San Francisco Synthesis, 1982.Richter, David. The Critical Tradition Classic and Contemporary Trends. 2nd ed. Boston Bedford, 1998.Selden, Raman, and Peter Widdowson. A Readers Guide to Contemporary literary Theory. 3rd ed. Lexington UP of Kentucky, 1993.Slaughter, Cliff. Marxism, Ideology and Literature. London Macmillan, 1980.Tyson, Lois. Critical Theory Today A User-Friendly Guide. New York Garland, 1999.Wallerstein, Immanuel. Africa The Politics of Independence. New York Vintage, 1961.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
John Dewey Essay example -- American Philosopher Philosophy
John Dewey was champion of the greatest minds in history. A philosopher, his concern was democracy and its ideals. A thinker about the problems in education. A prominent voice in America, commanding the admiration of those who agreed with his views, and respect for his mind even from those who did not. The man John Dewey, an American philosopher.Deweys pedagogy was one with three distinctive traits it was democratic in that it c whollyed for pluralism. It was a follower of the scientific method in that it was a systemic approach at solving problems and forming judgments, two practical and moral. It prized directed experience as an ongoing process of means as ends and ends as means. These three traits of Deweys philosophy are tied to all that he wrote and thought.Dewey felt that democracy was the ideal social structure, the one best suited to the needs and aims of all people under no other political scheme was it possible for general citizens to have allowance and responsibility to grow individually and culturally. All other systems hindered personal and social growth in Deweys scheme. Any form of despotic state used fear to such an extent that it became one of the only factors that kept the state in union, and the other factors that would course cause people to work together in their social environments were perverted and wasted. Instead of operating on their own account they are reduced to chaste servants of attaining pleasure and avoiding pain (DE, 84).The cultural paralysis was seen in the fact that there is no free play back and forth among the members of the social group. Stimulation and reply are exceedingly one-sided. Both the rich and poor suffer the poor in that they have little involvement in the courses taken in their lives the rich in that their culture becomes sterile (DE, 84).Dewey asserted that democracy has always been allied with humanism, with faith in the potentials of human nature and that democracy means the belief that humanitarian culture should prevail. He advised that democracy is not something that will necessarily happen if human nature is left to itself, when freed from external arbitrary restriction (FC, 97). Democracy, for Dewey, was a moral issue that required efforts born in democratic vision. Democracy was Deweys tool of progress. But Dewey also saw that democracy did not plight progress.The imper... ...nt. Otherwise facts gained only have the potential to gain meaning, and many facts will turn out to be disconnected, never finding their place in a persons experience. Facts grow naturally out of meaningful experience, but meaningful experience which leads to more facts do not necessarily flow from facts.Dewey wrote that the sad weakness of the present school is that it endeavors to prepare future members of the social order in a medium in which the conditions of the social spirit are eminently wanting (SSCC, 15). The conditions wanting were democracy, rational judgment conducive of the scientific method, and a conception of experience that recognizes the continuous nature of ends as means of further action.What Dewey valued was ideal, but it was not utopian. He knew that we should do better, that we could do better. The question was more whether there was a will to do better.ReferencesDewey, John. 1944. Democracy and Education (DE). New York The vindicate Press.Dewey, John. 1989. Freedom and Culture (FC). Buffalo Prometheus Books.Dewey, John. 1964. The School and Society and The Child and the Curriculum (SSCC). Chicago The University of Chicago Press.
Music: The Power of Plot :: Music Theory Essays
Music The Power of Plot People relate to music. We sing it. We utter to it. We laugh to it. The reason we can see ourselves in music. We can let go of our feelings and just relate to the words or the instruments. One way the nisusbird connects the listener to the music is through plot the problem or reaction to a problem a character/singer is expressing. Whether it is a fight with a lover, a fight with a friend, finding a lover/friend, or any other, the plot is helps the listener relate to the poetry. Currently in my CD sham is a live recording of Jill Scott at a concert. Most of her songs have to do with life & love. Take for example the song Gettin in the Way. This song is rough a woman trying to steal her man. She tells her to step back because the woman is getting in the way of what I am feeling. The sequence of events in this song is interesting. In the commentary she explains that this song is about principle. First she says to the woman to nicely s tep back. Then she says it in a harsher tone I know you fathert understand, but sister girl, you gotta get off my man. Finally, she says I am about to go off in your face You better chill distinctly the conflict in the song is clear and can be easily related to the listeners lives. Lets look at another example, To Zion by Lauryn featuring Carlos Santanna. The song is about an unplanned pregnancy. She talks about how she touched my belly overwhelmed. She was told by many people to be smart / look at your career they state / Lauryn, baby, use your head. However, she chooses to use her heart and keep the baby. The name of her son is Zion, which gives light to the next verse Now the joy of my world is in Zion.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Guidance of Young Children Essay -- Teaching Young Children
1. Developmentally appropriate practice as defined by NAEYC is a simulation of principles and guidelines for best practice in the care and education of young children, birth through age 8. Children can non perform line of works that they are not yet developmentally undefendable of doing and teachers have to be aware of this. One would not expect a one year old child to be able to write their name, not only because they are not cognitively able to understand this task, but also because their fine motor skills have not developed enough to bemuse a writing instrument. Therefore, most adults would realize this task is not developmentally appropriate. A kindergarten teacher, for example, can able to expect his or her students to know why it is incumbent as well as how to clean up their tables after coloring. This task would be developmentally appropriate for most 5 year olds. Making true that developmentally appropriate tasks are hired is important because children can easily get discouraged and may feel inadequate if they cannot perform a task this is simply not within their developmental capabilities. 2. The majorities of teachers that I have interacted have tended to display the authoritative parenting style. They appeared to have respect for their students and allowed them to have a voice in classroom decisions. The teachers also exuded warmth and had genuine care and concern for their students. When students required discipline, the teachers did explain the reason to the child in most circumstances. However, one teacher that I worked with encompassed all three of the parenting styles. With certain students, she presented herself with an authoritative style. These students tended to follow directions, were well behaved and did well on ... ... the entire classroom the new skill or information and indeed have the children make an attempt. The teacher can focus the attention on the children who appear to be struggling. A wonderful form of learning that can utilize Vygotskys ideas of scaffolding and the zone of proximal development is cooperative learning. When children are grouped together with their various ZPDs, together they can help each early(a) learn and the teacher can assist each group as needed. Not only does this help the children who are struggling, but the students who have a loyal grasp of the skills further them by teaching their fellow classmates.BibliographyGartrell, D. (2004). The power of guidance, teaching social-emotional skills in early childhood classrooms. Belmont, CA DelmarMarion, M. (2012). Guidance of young children. Upper buck River, NJ Pearson Education, Inc
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Research Methods Matrix
Associate Level Material Appendix B Research Methods Matrix A psychologist is planning to conduct a study that would examine pathological liars and the quality of their romantic relationships. You have been asked to provide the psychologist with a recommendation for which inquiry method should be used to touch selective information on the pathological liars and their spouses. Using the table below list each research method and its advantages and disadvantages for use in this study. Research Method Advantages Disadvantages Naturalistic note This method gives good information that is The person observing could change the more so accurate than reports done behavior of the participant, and percipient afterwards.The behaviors of the could also have a biased view depending participants are more natural because they upon what the expectations were coming in are in their natural environment. to research. Case Studies Good for forming hypotheses, and gives a This was can be expe nsive as well as time large amount of useful, descriptive consuming.Again, the biased observed is information. an issue. Surveys A cheap way to quickly gather a large If a question is worded poorly on the quantity of data. survey, it can yield the type of answers that the observers do not want. They can also be untruthful answers. Correlational Research This method can allow researchers to be able Cannot come to conclusions in regards to to predict behaviors. Relationships can be cause-and-effect relationships. clear to researchers interchangeable they are not in other methods. Experimental Research Gives the researchers the opportunities to Being in the lab may make the participants draw conclusions to the cause-and-effect act in a certain manner. Unexpected or relationships. uncontrolled variables may produce results that cannot be controlled or manipulated. Make your recommendation to the psychologist and explain the rationale behind your choice. Y our response should be 100-200 words. After going over the information that I had over the five different types of research methods, I have come to the conclusion that correlational research should be the method used for your study of pathological liars.This is the one method that can look very well at the connection between dickens or more variables. This could be a very useful advantage to have in this study. Of course, you could use any of the five methods, but I would emphatically stay away from the survey option, because of the obvious reasons of the question of the ability to answer questions honestly.The experimental research may not be the best choice, because the laboratory put has had a history of affecting the behavior of the subject. Case studies are effective, but are very time consuming and use a large raft of funding on your part. Naturalistic observation would not be a bad choice either, because of the ability to observe the subjects in their natural environment. However, the presence of the observer could alter the behaviors, yet again.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Country of Origin
Country Of Origin number The Country of Origin Image or COO can be described as the motivation behind the tendency for consumers to make buying decisions, guided by their perception of the expanse which is associated with the barter ford product. It is essentially one of the building blocks for strike out equity when introducing new products into new markets internationally. This could be attri scarcelyed to consumers need to make quality inferences via patsy cues, which will patron them move forward faster in the buying put to work.In recent times, the validity of COO physical body as a brand metric has dumbfound arguably school principalable, as the arrival of globalization has diluted the efficacy of the country of origin term. These days, an Apple Iphone could be designed in San Francisco, California and manufactured in mainland China at lower operating costs. Based on this phenomenon and the study by Essousi and Merunka (2007), the COO concept can be further evaluated on the basis of ii sub categories, which are country of design (COD) and country of manufacture(COM) image.A lot of companies remain ethnocentric in their business operations, this means that they restrict their resources to the initial country of origin, but sell to varying markets on the international scene. This is in contrast to the truly global companies that distribute their resources worldwide and operate in a global market. It begs the question of whether country of design or country of manufacture, is the influencing factor with regards to consumer behaviour and a products country of origin image.Referring to the previous example of Apples Iphone, is the product quality amplified in the consumers eyes by virtue of its American design or is its value downgraded by Taiwanese production? , considering Taiwans COO image as one of cheap but low quality products. Reardon et al (2005) suggest that with the products being unfamiliar to the market, country of origin image becomes t he most viable source of quality identification for the consumer, an opinion backed by Balabanis and Diamantopoulos (2008) and Carvalho, et al ( 2011) studies on brand associations with country of origin images, among consumers.This is akin to eminence endorsement of brands, with countries playing the role of celebrity ambassadors to those new to the brand. Harun et al 2011, proposes a different perspective to the discussion with country of brand origin (COBO). This is far much effective as a brand metric because as the name implies, the accent is placed on the brand itself rather than the product. For a description of the clarified differences among the two concepts, Consider a consumers choice to buy a virtually unknown suit brand, because it was made in Britain.Britains stiff COO image for products like suits, is the major player in this purchase decision. On the other hand, the buyer could decide to go for a Louis Vuitton Suit to regain French, as Louis Vuitton is primari ly a French brand, thus illustrating the concept of the COBO effect. From this, it is clear that the country of origin effect still maintains some relevance with regards to influencing purchase decisions, whether it involves the design origins or place of manufacture or even down to the general associations the brands has with a country.Place Brand With the ever constant battle for the consumers usable income and foreign direct investment by businesses, there has been an upsurge in the marketing of entire geographical locations, as suitable places to spend money. According to Medway& Warnaby (2008), the focus of the process is on creating favourable or attractive image associations for places and downplaying some(prenominal) negative images it may already substantiate, unless demand for its resources outgrows supply.It can be argued that products and services become brands by virtue of the benefits they offer. This implies that if the benefits are negative, the product or service gains a negative brand image and vice versa. Similarly, places become branded by what they have to offer, usually in terms of culture, heritage, art, natural resources (Kemp et al, 2012) and many other variables. This phenomenon known as place brand, seeks to create identity, differentiation and personality for a place(Kavaratzis & Ashworth, 2005).It typically involves any residential geographic entity, and is usually most evident in the marketing of nations and cities. In examining the tenets of place branding further, the branding of cities can be utilised as a sample from which reasonable inference can be drawn and applied to a larger population such as countries. Pfefferkorn (2005) outlines the effects of branding on cities and the ingredients common to steadfastly branded cities.Included in the requirements for strong city branding are attractive employment opportunities, affordable cost of living, efficient existence transportation and school systems, recreational/ cultura l attractions, and good climatic conditions. These are described by the author as functional values, but for truly strong place brands to exist, there must also be added value that differentiates it from others.The added value is unique to each city, as residents may tend to make meaningful associations between themselves and a place. Examples of this include the marketing of Jerusalem and Mecca as holy cities of pilgrimage to devout faithfuls, Rio as a destination of choice for carnival lovers, Paris as the city of love for romantic individuals or in the most popular city branding efforts for sports enthusiasts, English soccer (Edensor & Millington, 2005) and the Olympics (Zhang & Zhao, 2009).An observable common denominator amongst these examples is the presence of images or perceptions, associated with orchestrated activities that result in the brands of a place. (Kavaratzis S& Ashworth, 2005). Global Brands The definition of globalised companies in contrast to international comp anies lies in the distribution of its resources (Abdulrazak. R, 2013). One of the foremost issues with brand globalization is the standardisation versus adaptation debate.A global brand is one which has been able to extend its brand identity across the world from its country of origin, and therefore the course falls largely in favour of standardization with an adaptation of certain variables where necessary. Discussion Global brands offer consumers a sense of familiarity and streamlines the decision making process for purchasing from a range of both local and international alternatives. The country of origin image as well as place brands associated with the place brand may further serve to amplify the equity of the global brand. SIRRA
Friday, May 24, 2019
Pollution prevention Essay
The article written by Chris Wiant What is the P2 trend all about, and how be environmental health professionals involved? discusses the history, objectives and significance of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys pollution legal profession (P2) program to the environment and public health. In the primordial 70s, there was already a conscious effort in protecting the nations vital natural resources which was pioneered by Congress. But EPA wanted to blow a fuse their strategy in environmental protection which resulted in the birth of the P2 program. The main thrust of the pollution prevention program is to encourage companies to get involved in the community level by taking the initiative in becoming leaders in protecting the environment. In addition, the application of the program has facilitated the identification of its authorisation for significant economic benefits by avoiding the need for treatment at the end-of-the-pipe. Since P2 has been well received by businesses a nd its positive benefits are eminent, the next challenge is how to institutionalize P2 as a standard business practice, and 2) how to get businesses and communities to see that P2 can be a pathway to a new partnership between them (Wiant, 1997, p. 24). Moreover, the pollution prevention program is not only a directive that is focused on conservation and preservation of the natural resources. It is more directed at the sustainable support of the activities that were already started by companies and the EPA but in a larger scale. The certainty of the success of the program can only be guaranteed if all sectors of the society seduce hand in hand in order to achieve a single goal which is to reduce the damage inflicted to the environment.Another aspect of the P2 program that is in truth appealing is its emphasis on preventive measures. Its design of reducing the emission of toxic Pollution Prevention 2substances into the environment, focusing on the earthly concernufacturing process as the point in which to control toxin emissions is an innovative idea that will dramatically trim down the production of harmful substances. Through this approach a possible problem can be addressed to its initial stage. Instead of using the end-of-the-pipe strategy, businesses can already start with prevention during the manufacturing process. As a result, massive change tothe environment can be avoided and it can also eliminate the risk of inflicting impairment to the publics health. Also, it can significantly reduce the cost for businesses in decreasing their toxic emissions. It is like shooting 2 birds in 1 stone because companies can save a lot of money and time by just implementing the P2 program in their business procedures. By mandating business to utilize the P2 program, changes in common business practices will occur. But this alteration would be for the overall improvement of the policies and procedures of a company. Moreover, in a community that practices such progra ms, the quality of life of the people will greatly improve and the relationship of coexistence between man and nature will continue to flourish for the better (Wiant, 1997, p. 24) Works CitedWiant, C. J. (1997). What is the P2 trend all about, and how are environmental health professionals involved?. Journal of Environmental Health, 59, 24.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Indian Culture Essay
Welcome to our guide to India. This is useful for anyone researching Indian culture, customs, values and wanting to understand the citizenry better. You may be going to India on business, for a visit or even hosting Indiancolleagues or clients in your own country. Remember this is only a truly basic level introduction and is not meant to stereotype all Indian people you may meetFacts and StatisticsLocation Southern Asia, b pastureing Bangladesh 4,053 km, Bhutan 605 km, Burma1,463 km, China 3,380 km, Nepal 1,690 km, Pakistan 2,912 km bang-up New DelhiClimate varies from tropical monsoon in south to temperate in north Population 1,065,070,607 (July 2004 est.)Ethnic Make-up Indo-Aryan 72%, Dravidian 25%, mongoloid and otherwise 3% (2000) Religions Hindu 81.3%, Muslim 12%, Christian 2.3%, Sikh 1.9%, other groups including Buddhist , Jain, Parsi 2.5% (2000) Government Federal RepublicLanguages in IndiaThe different states of India affirm different positive dictions, some of them no t recognized by the central government. Some states have more then one official language. Bihar in einsteinium India has three official languages Hindi , Urdu and Bengali which are all recognized by the central government. But Sikkim, also in east India, has four official languages of which only Nepali is recognized by the central government. Besides the languages officially recognized by central or state governments, there are other languageswhich dont have this recognition and their speakers are running political struggles to get this recognition. Central government decided that Hindi was to be the official language of India and therefore it also has the status of official language in the states. Travelling to India? Why not learn some useful Hindi phrases ?Indian alliance & CultureHierarchyThe learns of Hinduism and the tradition of the caste system have created a culture that emphasizes established hierarchical relationships. Indians are always conscious of social point an d their status relative to other people, be they family, friends, or strangers. All relationships involve hierarchies. In schools, teachers are called gurus and are viewed as the source of all knowledge. The patriarch, usually the father, is considered theleader of the family. The foreman is seen as the source of ultimate responsibility in business. Every relationship has a clear- cut hierarchy that must(prenominal) be observed for the social order to be maintained.The Role of the FamilyPeople typically define themselves by the groups to which they belong rather than by their status as individuals. Someone is deemed to be affiliated to a specific state, region, city, family, career path, religion, etc. This group orientation stems from the close personal ties Indians maintain with their family, including the extended family. The extended family creates a myriad of interrelationships, rules, and structures. Along with these mutual obligations comes a deep-rooted trust among relativ es.Just Cant Say NoIndians do not like to express no, be it verbally or non- verbally. kinda than disappoint you, for example, by saying something isnt available, Indians will offer you the response that they think you want to hear. This behaviour should not be considered dishonest. An Indian would be considered outrageously rude if he did not attempt to give a person what had been asked. Since they do not like to give negative answers, Indians may give an optimistic answer but be deliberately vague about any specific details. This will require you to look for non-verbal cues, such as a disinclination to commit to an actual time for a meeting or an enthusiastic response.Etiquette and Customs in IndiaMeeting EtiquetteReligion, education and social class all influence greetings in India. This is a hierarchical culture, so greet the eldest or most senior person first. When leaving a group, each person must be bid farewell individually.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Components of Science Planning Essay
There are five essential components of scientific inquiry teaching that introduce students to many Copernican aspects of science while helping them to develop a clearer and deeper knowledge of some specific science concept and/or process.Research has deliverd that student employment in the inquiry process provides a much needed joining and ownership of scientific investigations that will lead to a deeper conceptual knowledge most the content. Inquiry can be labeled as partial or full and refers to the proportion of a sequence of learning experiences that is inquiry-based. For example, when a textbook doesnt engage students with a question, but begins with an experiment, an essential element of inquiry is missing and the inquiry is said to be partial.Also, inquiry is partial if a teacher chooses to demonstrate how something works rather than have the students explore it on their own and develop questions and explanations. What is important is that at least some of the components of inquiry are present in spite of appearance schoolroom hands-on experiences and hands-on does not necessarily guarantee inquiry. If all five elements of classroom inquiry are present, the inquiry is said to be full, but each component may vary depending on amount of structure a teacher builds into an activity or the extent to which students initiate and design an investigation.How does a teacher decide how much guidance to provide in an inquiry-based activity? The key element is in the intended outcomes. Whether the teacher wants the students to learn a particular concept, acquire certain inquiry abilities, or develop understandings about scientific inquiry influences the nature of the inquiry. In some instances partial inquiry may be more appropriate than a full inquiry-based experience. Teachers need to make meaningful decisions about how to best deliver the curriculum.The Five Essential Components to Inquiry1. Learners are act by scientifically oriented questions. Scienti sts may pose two types of questions. They may propose why questions such as Why do objects fall toward the land? or Why do humans have chambered hearts? Many of these types of questions cant be addressed by science. Then in that respect are the how questions such as How does sun elation help plant grow? or How are crystals formed? which can. Students may ask why questions that can be turned into how questions and thus lend themselves to scientific inquiry. The initial question can originate from the learner or the teacher. Purposeful questions can be answered by students observations and scientific knowledge they obtain from reli subject sources.Skillful teachers help students focus their questions so that they can experience both interesting and productive investigations. Teachers can provide opportunities that ask over student questions by demonstrating a phenomenon or having them engage in an open investigation. Sometimes, questions will develop from students observations. Oth er times, the teacher provides the question. Either way, questions must be able to be investigated in a classroom setting. Teachers will likely have to modify student questions into ones that can be answered by students with the resources available, while being cognizant of the curriculum.2. Learners give priority to evidence, allowing them to develop and evaluate explanations that address scientifically-oriented questions. Science uses empirical evidence as the basis for explanations about how the natural world works. Importance is placed on getting accurate data and from observations. To make observations, scientists take measurements in natural settings, or in laboratories. The accuracy of the evidence collected is verified by checking measurements, repeating the observations, or gathering different kinds of data related to the same phenomenon. Evidence collected is then subject to questioning and further investigations. Within the classroom setting, students should follow simil ar guidelines during their laboratory experiences.3. Learners formulate explanations form evidence to address scientifically oriented questions. Scientific explanations should be based on reason. They provide causes for do and establish relationships based on evidence and logical argument and must be consistent with the observations and evidence collected. Explanations are ways to learn what is unfamiliar by relating what is observed to what is already known. For science, this means building upon the existing knowledge base. For students, this means building new ideas upon their current prior knowledge and understandings.4. Learners evaluate their explanations in light of resource explanations, particularly those reflecting scientific understanding. Evaluation, and possible elimination or revision of explanations, is one feature that distinguishes scientific from other forms of inquiry and subsequent explanations. Examples of questions one may ask are Does the evidence support the proposed explanations?, or Can other reasonable explanations be derived for the evidence?An essential component of this characteristic is ensuring that students make the connection between their results and scientific knowledge. 5. Learners communicate and justify their proposed explanations. Scientists communicate their results in such a way that their results can be reproduced. This requires clear articulation of the question, procedures, evidence, proposed explanation, and review of alternative explanations. Having students share their explanations provides others the opportunity to ask questions, examine evidence, identify faulty reasoning, point out statements that go beyond the evidence, and suggest alternative explanations for the same observations. As a result of this communication, students can resolve contradictions and solidify an empirically based argument.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Drop Out of School Essay
Today many young people do not realize the importance of an education so dropping verboten of teach becomes an option. They just easily end up dropping from aim without thinking about their future. They ar thinking that their conjures will support their financial daily lives, and then they do not feel worried about continuing their education. Moreover, there are several reasons that look at young people decide to drop out of school some of which are getting poor grades, not getting along with teachers and/or students, or having a drug or alcohol problem. Those reasons make the young people end up by dropping from school. However, if the parent has been guiding their children well, they may be able to be solving the problem. in that respect are no easy solutions to the school dropout problems. However, here are two ways to solve these problems parents should encourage their children to do the right things and parent should meet with the school counsel.There are some solutions to the problem of dropping out of school. First, parents should encourage their children to do the right things, so that one day the children will become a part person and will be useful for the childrens future. For example, parents should talk with their children about how important the education is for their future help them understand that the choices they make can hard disrupt their future. The parent should not achieve up trying to make conversation with their children. Furthermore, the parent should start a conversation by asking their children how school is doing or make other conversation where both side feels comfortable with each other. In addition, by being open to one and another would give the children confident to talk about what they have been observed from school. This type of dialogue is sometimes hard to do but it is necessary to keep their children remain in school.Next, when a parent notices that their children want to drop out from school, the parents shou ld follow this solution workings with school counselors or teachers that can help their children remain in school. For instance, the parent may arrange for help by making up a schedule to meet the school counselor. The parent has to inform their children to meet with their schoolcounselor at least once a week to solve their children problems in the school. Especially, for children who has a problem in certain subjects which make them to think about dropping out of school. As an expert, the counselor will give advice to the young people by explaining how important education is for them on the future. Moreover, education is one of the requirements to get a better job, which they will later need for their future and for personal responsibilities.In conclusion there are many reasons why kids drop out of school. in the first place they have to do with a poor understanding of what bully education is, struggling to make the grades, and due to drug problems. By maintaining good open commu nication with their children and seeking advices from school advisor which are preventing their children drop out from school. In the end, the parents and children can work together to keep the children remain in the school. Thus, by having good communication with their parents, teachers, or school advisor, it is important for children to realize that the adults in their lives do want them to remain in school and are willing to do a lot to make it possible. Hopefully, these tips might be helpful for parents who have problems with their children who want to drop out from school.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Problem or Success of Implementing Tourism Essay
The problem that has face by the stimulateer of the Salak Denai Chalet is promotion to promote their service. They only promote their service via guest, facebook and blog only. But, facebook and blog not actively yet. Besides, the chalet that they build was doesnt have a jut and Majlis Daerah Yan was issued a summons to their business. Then, they had to spend a sess of money to hire the architect to draw plan to settle the problem with Majlis Daerah Yan. Besides, they have a quid of competition with other chalet around there that they was provided a better service and comfortable place to the customer. sustainable and environmental affects towards projectIn every chalet at Salak Denai,its has their own pool. Only a river water of Batu Hampar that substance abuse to fill the pool. Besides, the owner of the chalet not use a chlorine to maintain the water cleaning. The owner of the chalet silent preserve the subjective condition of the forest. He always make sure that the area o f surrounding was clean. The violence and success story of projectThe strength and success of project is Salak Denai has a five chalet with every chalet has their own pool. This success of project puke was attracted the customer to rent the chalet. This chalet give more privacy to the customer when they desire to picnic with their family.The owner of the chalet is more concern about the aurat of the muslim and he was highlighted this project in his business. So, the customer do not have to worried anymore about the aurat of their family because they get more privacy to swimming. This chalet reach popular after he was organized his daughter wedding ceremony here. Now, every weekend and earth holiday, this chalet was fully booked until March 2013. Only the weekday has no reservation from customer. Proposed new marketing planAs we know, this chalet was fully booked every weekend until March 2013. So, the owner must have a plan to build more chalet to accommodate the demand of the customer towards this chalet. In addition, the owner shall register the service with the subgenus Pastor of tourism so that all tourists can get entropyrmation about the activities of Salak Denai chalet easily. Besides that ,owner must actively involve in the social network to promote the service The annual update about the info always like put pictures chalets along the information, update new-items added to the chalet and put the best service to compete with the newar chalets. How tourism can contribute to environmental conservationSalak Denai chalet use travel system which can preserve the natural condition such as using natural river water flowing into the pond in the chalet, construct a house with the original wood from the trees and so on. Futhermore , owner of Salak Denai chalet not use substance can pollute the nature condition in that chalet area.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Mental Models/Mindsets Essay
This paper will tell the four rates to change the psychological precedents of Beadworks. The first beat is to recognize the power and limits of the models. The second step is to test the relevance of the mental models against changing environment and to generate impudently models. The third step is to master inhibitors such as wishing of information, lack of trust, desire to take away on to old patterns, and the expectations of the others. The final step is to implement the model, assess the model and continuously strengthen the model (Crook, Wind, Gunther, 2005, p. xxiv).Beadworks has taken strategic planning internally and implemented a big change recently. Beadworks purchased Austin Hamilton (a beads and jewelry making supplier) to maximize guest profiling. In addition, before and after purchasing Austin Hamilton (AH), Beadworks had to recognize the power and limits of a mental model for maximizing profits. Mental models are representations in the mind of real or imagin ary situations. Scientists sometimes intake the term mental model as a synonym for mental representation, alone it has a narrower referent in the case of the theory of thinking and reasoning (Kenneth Craik, 1945). Taking the theory of thinking, the owner of Beadworks had a mental model of having access to more clientele through the Austin Hamilton purchase earlier in 2008.A mental model represents a possibility. Mental models can also be constructed by imagination, scholarship and knowledge of disc everywherey. Beadworks recognized opportunity with AH and succeeded to make the most mental models and apply them to grasp the potential of the upstart harvests Beadworks can use. Usability is strongly tied to the extent to which a users mental model matches and predicts the dression at law of a system. (Nielsen, 1993). Thus, a way to explain Beadworks idea to purchase AH prior to actually purchasing it, was localise the outcome. A true statement that would show Beadworks more ben efits in the final outcomes of obtaining another business would be more customers were accessible to see the products Beadworks offered. Moreover, new products were introduced with innovational designs. Not to mention, long-term goals were made short-term pay fit to higher level of supply and demand.After becoming familiar with mental models, it is important to understand the acquire of change and relevance. A mental model or mindset can be similar to a decision making offshoot where it is crucial to formulate solutions and identify alternatives. In this case, it can be compared to the process where the relevance of mental models is compared to the changing environment. From this, the next step is to create new models and develop an integrated portfolio of mental models or mindsets. Such decisions can help Beadworks greatly by realizing that there can be innumerous solutions or approaches to the same situation.All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous, unpremeditated act wi thout benefit of experience (Miller, 1960). The desire for change of mental models or mindsets can help generate great success in a customer-centric mindset. Testing new approaches will reduce anti-growth correcting the common mistake of be outdated and obsolete. Only recently has Beadworks felt the ongoing pressure to test new approaches of mental models. The credit for need of innovation and competitive advantage has given the initiative for Beadworks to try new things.Once the relevance of the mental models is tested against the external factors which obstruct change then the internal factors are required to be tested. There a various internal factors such as lack of information, lack of trust, the desire to hold on to old patterns and the expectations of the others (Crook, Wind, Gunther, 2005, p. xxiv). One of the biggest challenges for Beadworks is to gather information and stay current on fashion and trends. The lack of information about the continuous updating fashion can result in loss in sales and loss in grocery store share for the administration. One of the best ways to stay in business is to promote fashion with available products in hand and being innovative.However, this is not possible if an organization carries the desire to hold on to the old patterns. The designs or patterns require continuous change to stay with market trends. Beadworks have built trust amongst its customers in last few years by offering new products year after year. The merely challenge now is to keep up the trust for its customers and its employees. Beadwork was able to take the challenge by acquiring the Austin Hamilton and offering better service to its customers with an option of deal purchase.When Beadworks purchased Austin Hamilton, we soon realized that the business model was based on weekly specials only. Austin Hamilton would only generate sales if a weekly flyer was sent out promoting a certain product or a certain discount if a specific amount of goods are purchased. This model had to be changed from gross generated by weekly sales and promotions to a more stable business model where revenue is generated on a regular basis. The previous model worked fairly well for previous owner but with the transition to new ownership, sales were not stable and Beadworks was not accustomed to weekly promotions. Austin Hamilton products were over priced and that is why there would be weekly promotions, so customers would feel that they are saving money to each one week. To slowly transition to a new model, Beadworks had to modify the model for Austin Hamilton and involved a dance band of trial and error.This paper described the four stairs to change the mental models in Beadworks. The four steps were recognize, test, overcome, and implement the mindset models. Beadworks followed the four steps as discussed above in the paper successfully. At the end, the positive model was implemented and tested for errors and trials.ReferencesJohnson-Laird, P., & Byrne, R. (May 2000). Mental models website A gentle introduction. Retrieved celestial latitude 3, 2008, from http//, J. (1993). Mental models and usability. Retrieved December 5, 2008, from http//, Henry. The Wisdom of the Heart, 1960 by Henry Miller. Reprintedby permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.Yoram (Jerry ) Wind and Colin Crook, with Robert Gunther. The Power of unaccepted Thinking Transform the Business of Your Life and the Life of Your Business, Prentice-Hall, 2005
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Great economic Depression And Of Mice And Men Essay
In 1929, the US entered a period of Great economic Depression from it only emerged with the onset of the Second War in 1939. During this period, there was long-term unemployment, so workers needed to go to California where there was still some short-term, poorly remunerative contract counterpane works available. They were not educated therefore they had got no right and could be plunder at any time. They travelled from scatter to cattle ranch to get jobs. This lifestyle forced ranch workers to deem moving and got no chance of making friend and keeping contact with their families. There was also a lot of competition, which put workers under pressure about whether they were good enough.They live isolated lives and argon disoriented from each new(prenominal) because are rivals. They are struggling to survive in a hostile world. all of these factors list all the lineaments lonely in Of Mice and Men. Between them, there are some characters who are very lonely because they are disadvantaged, Crooks, hes black glaze over, because he is erstwhile(a) Curley, because he has to a greater extent security than others and his wife, as she is the only woman on the ranch. They are the victims of the strange society. In this essay I will be investigating the reasons why these characters are lonely in much depth by looking at each character more perplexityfully.Crooks is probably the loneliest character in the book because he is very dissimilar from other ranch workers. He is old, disabled and the only black man in the book who lives in a racism society. As a result of this, he is isolated in his have got room in the barn and is not allowed to go into or stay in the bunkhouse with the other ranch workers. Therefore he has no one to talk to. Though other workers knew that he reads a lot and has more knowledge and thinks deeper, they bustt listen to his opinions. If I say something, why its just a nigger saying it. P102Instead they take advantage of his disabilit y this is shown when they beat him up at Christmas. The racism society gives Crooks no chance of making friend. Crooks tries to get his own back for the agency the white men treat him by keeping a distance between him and the other men. save obviously he recent the fact that he isnt want in the bunkhouse. This makes it even harder to make friends. This is revealed by his words when Lennie comes to his room.I own(prenominal)t treasured in the bunkhouse, and you aint wanted in my room. just gradually he is defeated by Lennies innocent smile and lets his take for down. This is because in his heart he knows that coping with bleakness is no good by reading books, he needed a friend to be near him and talk to him.Suppose you didnt set out zilch A guy needs soulfulness -to be near him a guy goes nuts if he aint got goose egg I tell you a guy gets too lonely and he gets sick.A guy sets alone out here at night, maybe readin books or thinking or stuffs like thatIf some guy was wit h me, he could tell me I was sleep. An then it would be all right. But I just dont know.This quote from the same page of the book also shows you Crooks feelings of loneliness. When Lennie and dulcify started to talk about the dream Crooks storeyed out that this dream was shared by thousand of ranch workers barely none of them ever succeed in reality but just for a moment he suspends his disbelief long enough to wish to share the dream, though he was immediately reminded his position by Curleys wife words and shut by Georges anger as he doesnt think that any white people would treat him decently. From the facts above, we could see the reasons of why Crooks are lonely. glass is an old and disabled character in the book. He is quite similar to Crooks and is very lonely because he is different too. He lost his hand in an accident and was only kept on by the top dog out of guilt. He has no relatives, no friends and his only repose is his old dog, which keeps him company and reminds him of the days when he was young and whole. Candy is not interested in the things the other guys talk about. For instanceI aint interest in nothing you was saying. A guy on a ranch dont never listen nor he dont ast no questions.But when his only comfort has gone was shot by Carlson, he is all told alone and eagerly clutches at the nous of buying a farm with George and Lennie. This is shown below when George started to talk about the dreamOld pratdy dour slowly over. His eyes were wide open. He watched George carefully.The reason for this change is, Candy himself is very similar to his dog, they some(prenominal) old and disabled, from the shooting of his old dog, Candy knows that when he cant work any more he will be turned away from the ranch. He will haveI got trouble four years ago. Theyll can me purty soon, jus as soon as I cant deluge out no bunk-houses theyll put me on the county When they can me here I wisht somebodyd shoot me. But they wont do nothing like that.At thi s situation, Candy needs something to look forward to, so when he heard about the dream between George and Lennie he found that this is the thing he needed. But of course this all comes to nothing.As the inevitability of the fall of the dream, Candy would certainly be disappointed. The dream ends in a miserable way.You and me can get that little place, cant we, George? You an me can get that little place, cant we, George Cant we?Before George answered, dulcify dropped his head and looked down at the hay, he know.Then- its all off? And Ill have fifty dollar bill buck more.Candys words show that he realises that the end of Lennie means the end of the dream, without Lennie George hasnt got the heart to go on. There are so many cant we in his row telling us he wants George to tell him he is wrong. But the reaction of George confirms this completely.The sadness is expressed in the bitter words he uttered to the body of Curleys wife, whom he blames for spoiling the dream or more accu rately, his hope of a future. You god bird tramp You done it, didnt you? I spose youre glad you lousy tart.Curley is the character who is described as a wretch by John Steinbeck. It may be argued that he must be not lonely because he is the knobs son and had been married for two weeks, has a family and a lot of thing that other ranch workers wanted to have. But actually he is very lonely. As he has more security (he was never worried about being fired), other ranch workers dont mix with him so he has no one to talk to. The macho male society makes him fell that if a guy doesnt appear to be tough and strong, others will put something on him and laugh at him. It is even worse for him that he chooses the wrong way to earn respect-by fighting and be aggressive. But other workers know that he is a coward and despise him for the tension atmosphere he creates.What does he got on his shoulder? GeorgeYou god damn punk, you tries to throw a scare into Slim, an you couldnt make it stick. S lim threw a scare into you. Youre yella as a frog belly. I dont care if youre the best welter in the coun undertake. You come for me, an Ill kick your God damn head off.He has no friends, to overcome his loneliness, he married a pretty young woman but has blindly chosen the wrong soul whom totally inappropriate for the kind of life he leads. He forbids his wife to talk to other ranch workers, as he is scared that she may have an affair with one of the other men which makes her abhor him and others more despise to him. Consequently, his feelings are all channelled into aggressive behaviour in order to deal with his loneliness but this leads to his feeling lonelier because the others dont want to be with him.Curleys wife is another character who is lonely. She is newly married, lives in a strange place, and does not seem to fit in on the ranch as being the only woman. She and Curley do not love each other both of them try to overcome their own loneliness by the marriage. But unfortu nately, both have chose the wrong person. She hates Curley because of his aggressiveI dont like Curley, he aint a nice fella.One point that needs to be mentioned here is that she is the only character who is never given a name in the book and is only referred to as Curleys wife. It appears that John Steinbeck passes a message from this that she is not seen as a person at all by other characters, but an object which Curley thinks he owns.You gotta husban. You got no call foolin around with other guys, causing trouble.Whynt you tell her to stay the sin home where she belongs?Her situation is just like Crooks no one is sensitive about her feelings. This makes her feel irate with the men especially at Curley.Whatta they think I am, anyways.Seems like they aint none of them care how I gotta live.Further more, she has been forbidden by Curley to talk to anyone but him, as he doesnt effrontery her.I get lonely, you can talk to people, but I cant talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad. Howd you like not to talk to anybody?To counter this, she keeps approaching the ranch reach with the excuse that she is looking for Curley or something she lost.Think I dont like to talk to somebody ever once in a while? Think I like to sit in that house alla time?The only result is, the men regard her as a slut. But in her eyes, that is the way she is supposed to be.Candy I think Curleys married a tart.Whit Well, aint she a looloo?Curleys aggressive behaviour leads others to avoid her and this further isolated her and she approaches the ranch hand more frequently therefore Curley becomes even more jealous and aggressive. This leads to her feeling lonelier. Finally her loneliness leads to her end as she makes a serious error of trying to overcome it by playing the tease with Lennie as she is pleased that Lennie beat Curley and impressed by his size and strength, but she didnt realise the extent and peril of Lennies mental disability.George and Lennie are also caught in the t rap of loneliness this is because they are different as they have a strong friendship. They travelled together and trust each other and share a dream of owning a farm whereas other ranch workers travelled alone and had no strong relationships with others and have nothing to look forward to. Georges loneliness could be reflected by the words that he uses a lot of swearing and the fact that he needs the dream to keep him going. Just as glass over has his dog for company, George has Lennie (who is often described in animal-like terms). Both companions died and George and candy are left completely alone. Lennie totally relies on George and couldnt survive without George, but on the other hand, George somehow needs Lennie to overcome his own loneliness. It is revealed by Crooks words with great understanding he tells us of the importance of Lennie.I dont blame the guy you travel with for keeping you outa sight.Its just the talking. It just being with another guy. Thats all.Maybe it is j ust talking but this is an enough reason of keeping Lennie as company for George.In conclusion it is clear that all of the characters in Of Mice and Men are lonely. Their loneliness is the evitable result of the society, which is make by the Great Depression. Crooks, for instance is suffered deeply from the racism society. No one is trying to make friends with him in the beginning the visit of Lennie except Slim. Candy, Curley and his wife are the victims of the macho male society. They all have dreams but none of them realise them and get nothing at the end.
Why Quaid Left Congress
In 1913 the Quaid-i-Azam joined the All India Muslim League without abandoning the membership of the Congress of which he had been an active member for somewhat years. But this membership of the two organizations ended in December 1920. On the occasion of the special school term at Nagpur the Congress adopted a recent creed which permitted the use of unconstitutional means and trenchant to resort to non-violent non-co-operation for the attainment of self-government.The new policy and programme in essence envisaged withdrawal of the students from schools and colleges, boycott of law-courts by lawyers and litigants as well as the impending elections to the legislatures under the Government of India act 1919 either as voters or as candidates. 1 The new philosophy of the Congress had been shaped almost entirely under the work on of Gandhi who had, by then, emerged as a com partding figure in Congress politics. Although there were many spectacular Congressmen such as C. R.Das and L ala Lajpat Rai who did non subscribe to the programme of non-co-operation2, Jinnah was the only wiz in a convention of several(prenominal) thousand people who openly expressed serious disagreement. A constitutionalist by conviction he was unable to endorse, what he c in alled, a sterile programme that the Congress intended to pursue. He was non contrary to agitation or, charge putting stronger, pressure on the Government but he distrusted the destructive methods which did not take account of tender nature, and which might slip out of control at any prison term3.He was convert and he did not hesitate to tell Gandhi directly that your way is the wrong way exploit is the right way the constitutional way is the right way4. But his voice of practical statesmanship was not heeded and Jinnah walked away not only out of the Congress session but from the Congress ships company as well. Commenting on Jinnahs courage as the solitary opponent of the Boycott resolution Col. Wedgwo od, who was cave in in the Congress session as a fraternal delegate of the British Labour Party, spy that if India had only a few more men of Jinnahs convictions she would not suffer to wait for considerable for her independence. Jinnahs rupture with the Congress has been variously interpreted. Jawaharlal Nehru in his Autobiography is of the view that Temperamentally he did not fit in at all with the new Congress. He felt completely out of his broker in the Khadi-clad crowd demanding speeches in Hindustani. 6 In a later work he has reiterated that Jinnah odd the Congress because he could not adapt himself to the new and more advanced ideology and flat more so because he dislike the crowds of ill-dressed people talking in Hindustani, who filled the Congress7.This is barely a convincing account of Jinnahs breach with the Congress. During his fourteen year old8 association with the body he had freely mingled with the Khadi-clad and ill-dressed crowd at its meetings. This conn oisseurism, moreover, does not appear to reckon with the fact that the people whom Jinnah led in later years the Muslims were even poorer and less educated than Hindus who swelled the Congress gatherings and felt completely at home among them.It is of course true that the wilderness of unconstitutionalism had no appeal for him. thither was nothing mealy-mouthed somewhat it. He was convinced that Gandhian methodology for the solution of political problems would do great harm than mature to India and especially the Muslims, as indeed it did. The Moplahs, the descendants of Arab sailors living along the Malabar Coast, rose in revolt against the British in August 1921 as partners in the non-co-operation movement and lost no less than 10,000 lives9.The Chauri-Chauri tragedy in the district of Gorakhpur, in February 1922, where twenty two policemen were overpowered and brutally burnt alive in the adjoining police station by a frenzied mob was also a sequel of Gandhis polite disobedi ence movement. Whether it was on account of excess such as these or some other undetermined factors, Gandhi realised his mistake at this stage calling it a Himalayan blunder he called pip the movement. Another Hindu writer would ware us intrust that Jinnah was a misfit in the Indian depicted object Congress after its assumption of a new complexion of agitation against the British Government. 0 Writing in defence of the Nagpur Resolution, a British biographer of Gandhi has likewise suggested that the Congress demand for Swaraj within the British Empire if possible or outside it if necessary was the clause which killed the alliance with Jinnah and the Muslim League. In his opinion the suggestion that India might quit the Empire was too much for him having talked himself into total inefficacy he deserted Congress for ever11. The proposition that Jinnah was in league with the forces of British Imperialism is manifestly ncorrect. Any one who has made a dispassionate study of Jinnah s political career and his public utterances inside as well as outside the Legislative Assembly would not fail to see that he was the bitterest critic of British rule throughout his public career. Immediately after the stormy session of the Congress at Nagpur, Jinnah explained the reasons for his dissociation from the Congress. Talking to a Hindu journalist he said I will receive nothing to do with this pseudo-religious approach to politics.I part company with the Congress and Gandhi. I do not believe in working up mob hysteria. Politics is a gentlemens game12. Speaking several years later, he charged Gandhi with destroying the ideal with which the Congress was started. He was the one man responsible for round the Congress into an instrument for the revival of Hinduism13. These delivery are neither a mere accusation nor a revelation. Gandhi, in the words of Jawaharlal Nehru was essentially a man of religion, a Hindu to the inner-most depths of his being14.His oft-expressed desire to live for one hundred twenty-five years was an old Hindu aspiration which according to Hindu tradition was the full span of human life15. Even the political terminology he coined and the weapons he used to fight his political battles were characteristically Hindu. In an article, entitled, The Doctrine of the Sword, written in 1920, he proudly proclaimed I have therefore ventured to place before India the ancient law of self-sacrifice. For Satyagraha and its off-shoots, non-co-operation and civil resistance, are nothing but new touchs for the law of suffering.The Rishis who discovered the law of non-violence in the midst of violence were greater geniuses than Newton. They were themselves greater warriors than hessian16. Despite his frequent professions that he was equally dedicated to all religions17, Gandhi left no one in doubt as to what his own religious beliefs were. In a language free from all equivocalness he said that he was Sanatani Hindu because I believe in the Vedas, the Upanishadas, the Purana and all that goes by the name of the Hindu scriptures, and therefore in avatars and rebirth18.It was his religion and not politics which appealed to his Hindu pursual. In the words of Subhas Chandra Bose, when the Mahatma speaks, he does so in a languageof the Bhagvat Gita and the Ra whitethornana. When he talks to them about Swarajhe reminds them of the glories of Ramarajya (the demesne of King Rama of old) and they understand. And when he talks of conquering through love and ahinsa (non-violence) they are reminded of Buddha and Mahavira and they accept him,19.In spite of Himalayan miscalculations that he made and the obvious political blunders that he committed his popularity among the masses hardly ever waned. The explanation of this curious phenomenon lies in the fact that he played cleverly on the religious superstitions of the ignorant and poor millions of India and got away with it20. It was this approach to politics which repelled Jinnah and hi s departure from the Congress may be regarded as the starting dapple of a long process of self-examination.He was therefore to look more and more to the needs of his own community. It may be mentioned in the passing that Gandhi and Jinnah were each others antithesis in beliefs and ways of life and equipped an interesting study in contrast. There was hardly anything in common between them which could hold them unneurotic on one political platform for any length of epoch. Gandhi had been active in politics since his commit from South Africa in 1915 and had consistently waged battles against the British Government on the question of political and constitutional proximo of India.But an accurate knowledge of facts and their details was not one of his otherwise numerous accomplishments. He himself admitted to Chimanlal Setalvad during the second session of the Round Table Conference that he had never read the Government of India Act of 1919. 21 In 1942 he wrote to Viceroy Lord Linli thgow that he had been reading for the first time the Government of India Act of 1935 and added that if only he had studied it carefullythe course of Indian annals might well have been varied22.He was an enigma and a sort of mystic who seldom stave directly and mostly acted on lust which he conveniently descried as his inner voice. Even his closest associates like Nehru found him to be a very difficult person to understand because sometimes his language was almost incomprehensible to an bonnie modern23. Lord Wavell at the end of one meeting with him complained that he spoke to me for half an hour, and I am still not sure what he meant to tell me. Every sentence he spoke could be interpreted in at least two different ways.I would be happier were I convinced that he knew what he was scaning himself, but I cannot even be sure of that24. He was quite capable of interpreting and reinterpreting his own statements and was perfectly prepared to go back at any time on anything he had said earlier25. He could assume that role of a dictator in the Congress Party when it suited him while on other occasions when he believed that Hindu interests could be better served by his silence he would withdraw and innocently plead that he was not even an ordinary member of that Party.Jinnah, on the other hand was a down right political realist. true up to his legal profession he would prepare his brief only after he was sure of his facts. There was a great deal of political idealism in him which was to grow with years but it was constantly based on the stark realities of the situation. He honoured his pledged word and as Lord Pethick Lawrence said, a man of very firm resolution, a man who when made a promise always kept it and if he felt any body else with whom he was negotiating failed to keep his promise he reacted very strongly26.To say that the two-nation theory was the only wall between Gandhi and Jinnah27 is to oversimplify their mutual differences. It was a clash of t wo strong personalities, two distinct value systems and two irreconcilable ideologies and it were these differences what were to dictate the course of the pen that wrote the history of India28. Gandhi was a strong man and he wanted complete submission not only from his followers but also from his co-workers. To expect Jinnah to offer unconditional acquiescence to any one and least of all to person like Gandhi was to hope for the impossible.This was completely alien to his way of thinking. The surprising thing is not that Jinnah left the Congress in 1920 but that he did not quit it earlier? It is therefore not a far-fetched assumption that Jinnah would have given up the Congress even if he had not voted for non-co-operation at Nagpur. It may have come about a little later but to expect that he would have continued to work in the Congress, in spite of Gandhis ascendancy with Hindu philosophy as the guiding star of his politics, appears highly unlikely.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Microeconomics D. U.s. Essay
7. Indicate whether each of the following statements applies to microeconomics or macroeconomics a. The unemployment rate in the U.S. was 9.0% in April 2011. Macroeconomics b. A U.S. softwargon firm discharged 15 workers last month and transferred the work to India. Microeconomics c. A unexpected check in central Florida reduce the citrus crop and caused the price of oranges to rise. Microeconomics d. U.S. output, adjusted for inflation, grew by 2.9% in 2010. Macroeconomics e. experience week Wells Fargo Bank lowered its interest rate on business loans by one-half of 1 percentage point. Microeconomics f. The consumer price index rose by 1.6% in 2010.Macroeconomics11. Explain how (if at all) each of the following events accepts the location of a countrys work possibilities curve. a. The quality of education make ups. The curve provide shift outer. Better education leads to higher productivity of labors, inventions and technological advantages. b. The number of unemployed worker s increases. This should not affect the curve. Production moves inward, away from the curve. c. A new technique improves the efficiency of extracting copper from ore. The curve should shift outward as more production is possible with existing resources. d. A devastating earthquake destroys numerous production facilities. The curve should shift inward with the destruction of resources/capital.Chapter 21. Contrast how a market system and a want economy try to cope with economic scarcity. A market system allows for the private ownership of resources and coordinates economic activity through market prices. Participants act in their own self interest and examine to maximize satisfaction or profit through their own decisions regarding consumption or production. Goods and services are produced and resources are supplied by whoever is willing to do so. The result is competition and widely dispersed economic power.The command economy is characterized by public ownership of nearly all prop erty resources and economic decisions are do through central planning. The planning board, appointed by the government, determines production goals for each enterprise. The division of output mingled with capital and consumer goods is centrally decided based on the boards long-term priorities. 10. In a sentence, describe the meaning of the phrase invisible hand. Acting in your own self interest to increase profit and at the same time helping society and the economy.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Natural Resources, Conflict and Conflict Resolution Research Paper
Natural Resources, Conflict and Conflict Resolution - Research Paper eccentricIt will also look at how samples will be chose and studied for further deductions that will quit up in the formation of an appropriate theory. This paper also contains limitations that are inherent in a seek of this nature.The problem statement refers to fundamental problem in society that gives impetus for the enquiry to make in a research (Harvey 2006). Anyone with some knowledge of the Ameri do-nothing revolution is aware that colonized nation of the 13 states of America were fed up with the British taxes and tyrannical rule that practically enslaved the people. This is a green explanation for the revolt and uprising that followed between 1771 and 1776 when the British were eventually kicked out.However, a practical research can be set up in an attempt to evaluate the exact cause or a single cause of the uprising of the Patriots in this context. There is a wide range of issues that can cope up thi s include the taxes, the justice system, general resentment etc.A research pass is seen as an explanatory question a researcher asks about variables of interest (Wrench et al, 2003). In other words, when the researcher has an supposition of what the research will be about, s/he can come up with a research question that will suit the situation.However, Wench et al (2003) continue to state that a research question should be formulated after some review of literature. In this case, the researcher needs to go by existing sources like books, journals, articles, websites and other materials written by credible sources to state the factual position applicable to the research. This means that the researcher has to fall on other authorities to find important matters and facts that have been arrived at by other authorities in the field.(Fearon 2005) argues that nations whose economies rely heavily or solely on uncomplicated commodity
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Letter to an Editor of the Campus Newspaper Essay
Letter to an Editor of the Campus Newspaper - canvass ExampleThis project stresses that online preparation is a great equalizer. For the first fourth dimension in the history of gentle civilization, technology has made it possible to do away with the biases and prejudices shadowing the education system. Online education is an approach towards education that defies all barriers of social status, gender, ethnicity, physical ability, cognitive ability, etc. The biggest advantage with the online education is that it gives the sidelined and the underprivileged sections of the society the practical(prenominal) space where they can pursue their academic goals, while safeguarding their distinct though sometimes vulnerable individual(prenominal) identity. It is a scholarly person centric approach towards education that is pliable and adaptive and gives every student a chance to pursue education as per ones abilities and resources. It does not require a student to be present at a partic ular place at a particular time. It in addition does not require a student to academically perform as per some straight jacketed standards and limitations of time and space.This paper makes a conclusion that online education has once and for all shattered the hegemony of the traditional education system. sensation cannot say that online education will totally replace the conventional education system. Online education is a humor of instruction that is distinctly democratic in its scope and ramifications.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Corporate social responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5
Corporate social responsibility - Essay ExampleEnrons boss is cognizant that when I was reporting at the public infirmary, Enron worked closely with the senior management of the hospital. Additionally, he was familiar with a number of both the hospital management and the government department of health. Following my commence in working in the public hospital is aware of the critical issues in the transfer the work from the public hospital to a private hospital. His firm pays large bonuses to employees who successfully move from the general hospital to private. Additionally, the accountants collude with the management in window dressing the financial statements to portray profits being generated by the hospital when it is not the case. The top management director had some information regarding the fall of the shares in the stocktaking exchange. The manager made a point of selling the shares before disclosing such information to the public and single investors over the future fall in the shares of the public hospital shares.It determination of the ethical dilemma it is incumbent to determine the reason Enron was chosen is because of the experience and knowledge he had in the medical services of the look patients and the familiarity he had with the senior management over some time with the government and the public hospital. The ethical requirements convey that there should be nothing like threats that might hinder the competency, professionalism, integrity or objectivity of the professional. In the above case, there exist are a number of threats to professionalism.There is a threat of expediency (Williams, 2007). In the above case, it is well stated that the management has an offer of paying Enron a handsome nub after accepting the demands of the senior management. This raises the ethical dilemma. Another threat that is being portrayed is the threat of familiarity. It is get ahead that Enron has been working with the senior
Monday, May 13, 2019
Topic and apa review of literture narctics Essay
Topic and apa review of literture narctics - Essay ExampleAlso, massive corruption and inadequate legislation on medicine trafficking guard perpetrated drug smuggling in the country. With improving law enactment in regions of surgical procedure of the cartels, the immense power, which the cartels had in 1990s, is slowly diminishing. However, Mexico still remains a den for drug barons and most of the drug cartels are still in operation despite incarcerations and killings of their founders. Mexican Drug Cartels Introduction The drug cartels have been in constant pursuit of regional control against forces of the Mexican government. The government focus has been to exterminate the gruel murders that offspring from powerful drug cartels duels. The Mexican government has for long focused on ending the fight amid drug moguls rather than stopping drug trafficking, particularly into the U.S. The Mexican Drug Cartels can be traced keep going to several decades ago. However, they have bee n increasingly gaining power since the demise of Colombias Cali and Medellin cartels during 1990s (The National, 2011). Currently, the Mexican Drug Cartels harness illicit drug market and control about 90 percent of illegal drugs smutty into the U.S. this stem explores The Mexican Drug cartels and the reasons for their existence. Drug Production and Trafficking Marijuana, heroine, cocaine and methamphetamine, are the main drugs that drug barons smuggle across the border between the U.S. and Mexico (Shanty & Mishra, 2008). Marijuana and opium are grown in Mexico in plenty. According to Shanty and Mishra (2008), the measuring rod of marijuana supplied to the U.S. at one time from Mexico was approximately 95 percent of the overall marijuana consumed in the U.S. Presently, Mexico smuggles slight than half the marijuana supplied to the United States. However, almost all cocaine that is smuggled into the United States scratch goes through Mexico before reaching the U.S. Most of the cocaine transported to the U.S. are airlifted or shipped from Colombia into Mexico before being smuggled across the U.S.-Mexico border (Shanty & Mishra, 2008). About one-third of all heroine that enters the United States is developed from opium poppy plants grown in Mexico (Shanty & Mishra, 2008, p.332). Mexico withal established an attractive market for methamphetamine manufactured from precursor chemicals, which the Mexican government does not strictly regulate their importation. The chemicals are imported from countries like India, China and the U.S. The vast number of individuals, who cross the border into the U.S. daily, complicates the accomplishment to which the government can control the flow of illegal drugs into the country (Grillo, 2012). For instance, approximately 295 one thousand thousand people, 88 million automobiles and 4.5 million trucks cross the U.S-Mexico boundary each year. Out of this estimation, just 10 vehicles are stopped and less this number is checked (Shanty & Mishra, 2008). Also, massive corruption among government officials encourage drug trafficking in the country (Grillo, 2012 Klabin, 2013). In 1980s, drug smuggling was facilitated by drug consortiums that offered services to Colombian cartels for a fee of about $1,000-$2,000 for all kilogram of cocaine (Shanty & Mishra, 2008). Owing to the high level of risks in the trade, the syndicates demanded for a large chunk of usefulness share. Within a short span, the Mexican drug cartels were getting up to more than half the meshwork generated from cocaine trade. This lucrative gain enabled the Mexican drug cartels to take over as chief suppliers of cocaine. They similarly
Sunday, May 12, 2019
The Catholic Church Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Catholic Church - Article ExampleCatholics become a full mature member of the People of God, Christs mystical body, the Church that Jesus Christ built on the Rock, Peter (Mt. 16 16), and on his successors, the Bishops of Rome.For this purpose of His incarnation Jesus taught man His gospel, suffered and died on the cross and then arose from the dead. He instituted the sacraments and formal one true church, a society made of the baptized. It is one, holy, catholic and apostolic, indefectible and infallible. Its rulers are the Bishops, successors of the apostles, under the successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome.The Catholic Church also fosters the ways that God provides fervenient floors which helps Catholics to continue to strengthen their faith. The channels of Gods grace are in the main the seven sacraments, which are sensible signs (words and acts) that signify ad confer grace, and are administered by the Church. Baptism makes us Catholics and remits the legitimate sin inhe rited from our first parents, and the personal sins we may have at the time. Confirmation gives us the grace of the Holy Spirit to make us strong in the faith we received in Baptism.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Evaluating Client Profile 2 Using a Cognitive or RET Approach Assignment
Evaluating Client compose 2 Using a Cognitive or RET Approach - Assignment Examplethither are several cultural issues that quest to be attended with this client. The case description says Aaron is Syrian-American. I would need to learn more about his cultural background, cultural values, and expectations. I would need to know when he or his family came to this country and what his and his familys level of acculturation is. I would need to learn more about his religiosity, and his spectral values and practices to make sure I respect them and incorporate them while developing treatment goals and plan. For example, he might not be comfortable with female therapist or sessions might interfere with well-nigh religious practices. Finally, his age should be considered too. He is a minor, but very close to the age of majority. then the controversy of dependence versus independence may arise with him. I could address this controversy by considering or so ethical and legal issues describ ed below. I would consider several ethical and legal issues with this client. First of all, he is a minor (17 years old). I would need to get informed parental consent to last the therapy with Aaron. In addition to parental consent, I would need to get his assent to engage in therapy.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Early Childhood Education Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words - 1
Early Childhood Education Management - Essay ensampleThis essay stresses that it is necessary to mention that the information discussed above is really useful for nursery managers if they want to be professionals and to be aware of all aspects of the work, including managing the establishment. Nursery manager has to know everything about early childhood didactics and development, not only managing issues. It is necessary to say that real professional is broad-minded. The main purpose of the present causal agent study is to find the possible solutions to the problem of Helen. She is known for her dictative manner of behaviour, though she is a great lover of children. In order to find the ways out, we shall try to apply theoretical knowledge from the area of caution and leadership. This case study provide be a descriptive one, for first of all we will pick out the situation, and then look for possible means of changing it, resulting from the theoretical material which we will b e commensurate to find.This report declares that cooperation with children has many forms. Nursery manager should realize that it demands good knowledge, development of skills and creativity. The daily experience will be typified by life experience and sudden teachable moments. There is no place for austere treatment and constant subject learning. Nursery teacher plays many cases such as observer, evaluator, elaborator, planner, and modeller. The choice of the role depends on the situation. It was mentioned that nursery educator must work with children based on their knowledge of the individual child and their knowledge of how children generally develop.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Educational theory, trends, and perspectives Annotated Bibliography
Educational theory, trends, and perspectives - Annotated Bibliography ExampleThe set aside targets multilingual students and teachers providing them with a diverse approach to command. Due to the current global travels, personalities need to be familiar(predicate) with a variety of voice communications. As opposed to one local language in most reading approaches, the maintain contributes a lot to severalty in languages.Cognitive education, theories and applications through and explanation of the concepts surrounding them argon looked at. The enhancement of these theories and their application to a classroom situation are expounded. The target audience for the script is practicing psychologists, students psychologists, and consultants. The book is relevant in providing psychology skills and shows the applications of these skills in education. Psychology perceived to be a complex state is extensively simplified in the book.The book revolves around expounding the complex and ext ensive vernacular language in todays world. The book employs theory to explain these issues in a number of approaches. Through the theories, researchers interested in studying how several vernacular languages came about derive a lot of benefits. Languages exist in millions either over the world and an approach to find out about how they came to exist is a tall order. The book gives a whole different view to the notion.The book by Baker highlights the fibres played by education policy in the development of education and the society. The book targets policy makers in governments and institutions of higher learning. It reiterates the critical role that education policy plays in developing education. The book further highlights that support clear decisions and resources are authorisation for such policies to work. Through good foundations by way of policy formulation and implementation, the challenges in the education sphere of influence are this of the past.The book by Becker intro duces non specialists and the economic practices they use in handling Education practices. The ideas in
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Cross ultural ommunications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cross ultural ommunications - try ExampleThe charge leave behind then be undertaken through a rigorous training to satisfactorily prepare them for the task. The discussion pull up stakes entail the locomote that will be involved in brass, modalities of establishing the charge charter and the strategies necessary in ensuring that the committee accomplishes a long term goal of greater diversity. The steps that will be involved in preparation of the diversity committee will be division selection, planning for the preparation program, selecting trainers and facilitators, and training. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Step 1 The President Needs to Clearly Identify the genuine Situation of Diversity in this Bank and Develop Clear Objectives 4 Establishing the Committee Diversity Charter 5 Step 2 Invite the Managers and Key Team Leaders to Come for a Meeting to Brain Storming the Ideas and Discuss work Diversity Improvements 6 Step 3 Send Employees Surveys or Ask for Feedbacks about Diversity at Work and how they would like the Diversity Program to be in the Future 6 Step 4 Talking To the External Audiences 6 Step 5 Send Emails to All Key Managers of Each department to Come For the Formal Meeting to Share, Contribute the Ideas for Diversity Program and Create the Diversity Committee 6 Creating the Diversity Committee 7 Member Selection 7 Planning for the Training Program 8 Selecting Trainers and Facilitators 8 Training 10 Conclusion 11 Recommendations 12 Appendix 14 Cross heathen Communications for Leadership Management Formation of a hiring and network diversity committee is an integral ratifier in jumpstarting the diversity imitative in a business institution. This requires ample training of the committee members on diversity management and cross cultural communication within the organization. This will help them to boost the go withs goal of addressing both the customer and employee diversity concerns. The diversity concerns ar e related to the banks recent globalized status and increase in the student customer base who demands banking services in hostile areas. Cross cultural communication is an eminent competency for all business leaders aspiring to pull through in business. They should possess the ability to establish successful teams and connect people in an organization. As the sore president of Omni bank, establishment of cross cultural competency will require the input of an effective committee capable of improving the general business diversity. The crucial strategies of the committee include the establishment of collaboration, trust and lend a sense of belonging among the bank employees. Steps that will be involved in the mental institution of the committee will be Step 1 The President Needs to Clearly Identify the Current Situation of Diversity in this Bank and Develop Clear Objectives Before commencing the actual preparation and formation of the committee, the president should 1. Review the banks policies, objectives and goals to identify their role in supporting the workforce diversity. This will ensure that the training conforms to the stipulated objectives and that they address the loopholes that exist in the management of diversity. This will offer the guidelines on the check into of recruitment and retention of the committee members, recognition and incentives, promotion and performance management. 2. Cultural audit of the bank will then be
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Portfolio Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Portfolio - Literature review instanceCulture can also imply the works and practices of academic and more so creative activities. In order to explain the popular civilization the last two definitions of the word culture must be utilized, the way of look- holidays such as Easter weekend, Christmas, these are mostly known as the livid cultures. The some other definition of culture as suggesting practices- this would lead us to conceive of football, hip pop music, theatres, films and videos, popular culture is a derivative of the term culture and cannot stand on its own.The definition of culture elicits a complicated bastardlying because it is all encompassing, together with words such as education which can mean every issue but not specific on a single item. However, since it is used in daily humans discourse, it is important to conjure up a meaning, it can refer to the context, values, subjectivity, attitudes and skills on which the society or an soul defines his or their ident ity. Culture is different from popular culture as it is static, the latter is constantly changing, for instance dressing, and flow trends depict people wearing tighter clothing. Culture is also based in homogenous grouping temporary hookup popular culture is a based in large and heterogeneous groups often affiliated through mass media. Culture is the rubric of the society while popular culture is mostly an urban thing. Popular culture is also very spontaneous and according to Jones (2013), it is easy to learn unlike culture, which entails umpteen actions to be followed.Mass media fuelled popular culture, and this has led to a powerful and overt influence of the media primarily a high consumption level and more sophistication. Gender and other forms of discrimination including disability have ready solace in the media in expressing the perceived difference (Hui 2011, p.269). Culture as a way of life often targets minorities and people are adjudged harshly
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